• ruffsleepers@gmail.com
  • UTS, Sydney

Donation post

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7 thoughts on “Donation post

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      Ruff Sleepers will be in Woolloomooloo (Forbes st. with Cathedral st.) on Sunday 8 September from 1pm to 4pm.

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      Thank to our numerous supporters!!!! We have been granted the second place for Sydney Electorate MyCommunityProject contest. We will receive $101K to help homeless people’s pets in Sydney. A special thank you to UTS: University of Technology Sydney and UTS Shopfront Community Program that supported our application and to Orange Sky Australia and Give a dog a bone for their support letters. A huge thank you to our volunteers and interns, our most valuable resource! Oriol Tribó Linda Caste Bronwen Dalton Tully Rosen.

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      Our special volunteer Rexy spent the morning hanging and delivering posters with his human CB for our event on Sunday. Thanks Rexy for helping less fortunate dogs #ruffsleepers #ilovemydog #volunteer

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      This dog saves my life on a daily basis

      Dogs are love! A man takes on depression, desolation, and drug addiction with the help of his best friend, a homeless dog.

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      Our special volunteer Rexy spent the morning hanging and delivering posters with his human CB for our event on Sunday. Thanks Rexy for helping less fortunate dogs #ruffsleepers #ilovemydog #volunteer

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      With my partner in crime, the amazing Linda Caste today😀 Many folks collecting what they need, from dog food, toys, collars, coats, and stuff for humans as well eg high quality, brand new sleeping bags! But the best thing was a chance to sit down in the sunshine over a cuppa and some cake and have a chat with some great people doing it tough.
      BTW check out our new generator! Not only keeping the water warm for our doggies in the doggies washing bath but boiling the kettle and re-charging folks’ mobile phones! We are definitely getting a longer power board next time. Thank you to our incredible Ruff Sleepers Volunteersn and our extended Ruff Sleepers family Bxx

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      Zeus & Zeus: the protagonists of another beautiful Sunday in Wooloomooloo #ruffsleepers #ilovemydog

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